Event Detail

Relationships and the Art of Making It Rain

Education on Demand Webinar  

$49 for Members | $69 for Non-members

Successful Consulting Engineers, whether on a technical, management, or ownership track, are all important contributors to the "Art of Making Rain."  In this webinar, the share their thoughts on relationship building as it relates to bringing in projects (making rain) during these “not so normal” times, as well as throughout all phases of an engineer’s career.   

In this seminar, topicis covered include:

  • Industry terminology – seller/doer, rainmaker, hunter/gatherer, trusted/strategic advisor or thought leader
  • Conscious relationship building throughout your career
  • Creating value for yourself, your firm, and your clients
  • Some tips and techniques for all of the above

Bring on the rain!



       Kate Allen, PE                        Craig Watts, PE

This webinar was originally recorded Nov. 19, 2020